How To Use Beard Balm

June 22, 2020

Have a new beard now and not sure how to care for it? Not sure how to use beard balm? Then you are about to solve those problems.

Not taking proper care of the beard can easily make any man look like a tumbleweed. Not only that, but it can also alleviate skin problems such as irritation and dryness. Adding beard balms to the daily beard care regimen can do a lot of good.

They help to hydrate the skin, treat dandruff and soften the beard, making them more manageable. However, to get the maximum benefits, one should know the right way to use a beard balm.

Given below is a guide on how to correctly use the beard balm.

steps to use beard balms

Why use the Beard Balm at all?

Before moving on to the how to use beard balm part, it is important to learn the benefits of beard balm. You probably know that the skin secretes a natural oil known as sebum, which naturally moisturizes the hair and skin.

However, when you keep a beard, it absorbs most of the sebum thereby leaving the skin dry and itchy. Applying beard balms can help in moisturizing the skin. Since beard balms are a combination of butter and hydrating oils, they do not cause any side effects.

Therefore, you can keep your beard as long as you like, without having to worry about drying and side effects.

Things That You Will Need

1. Beard Balm or Beard Oil?

If you have been using the commercial beard products, then you probably know that beard oil and beard balm are not the same things. Although a large part of the ingredients used is similar, beard balms also contain butter and wax, which allows them to give a better hold as compared to oils. You may also use both of these products alternatively, to get the maximum benefits.

2. Comb or Brush?

The choice between the two depends upon the length of your hair. The combs can help to detangle while brushes can help in smoothing out the beaded hair. It is best to use wooden combs as they are gentle on the hair and do not cause static. As for the beard brush, choose the one made from boar bristles as they help in spreading the balm throughout the length of the hair in an even manner.

3. Mirror

The mirror is an essential part while grooming the beard. So make sure that you have got hold of one while you are styling out your beard.

Steps Of How To Use Beard Balm

1. Take a shower

As you take your shower, wash your beard with a mild shampoo. It is better to have them washed twice a day, that is, once in the morning and once at night. This will make sure that you are not making the beard too greasy by applying an excess of oils and balms.

2. Use a small amount

Scoop only a dime size dollop of the beard balm and rub it between your fingers till it melts. This will make the application much easier and even.

3. Applying it to the Beard

While applying the balm, use both your hands. Start at the neck and move up towards the chin. Instead of simply applying the balm over the beard hair, massage it to the skin. This will keep the skin nourished and support healthy growth of beard hair.

4. Use the Brush/Comb

You can now use a comb or a brush for styling. This will also help to distribute the balm in a more even manner.

5. Rinse it out

Using beard balm is important but always wash off the beard balm before going to bed. This will wash away all the dirt that has been accumulated during the daytime and promote blood circulation. Make it a point to apply beard balm every day. This will help in softening the hair and keep them nourished.

Conclusion on How to Use Beard Balm

As is evident from above, keeping a beard is no easier than having to go around shaving all the time. However, taking a few minutes apart each day for grooming will help you go a long way.

Following the above how to use beard balm guide will help you keep a long and well-nourished beard with well-moisturized beard and skin. Incorporate it into your daily beard care regimen, and you will notice the differences right away.

You can also read our beardilizer review to know, does beardilizer work?

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